About Us


Procrypto_tech was found by ZLECK TECH in 2011 with the soul porpose of protecting the world's interest on any technological issue which may arise as a result of scam or any fraudulent activity.

its on this note that we take it upon ourself to explore and provide the necessary solutions to each and every one these tech related issues relentlessly.

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8194 Wpa Rd Brooksville, Florida(FL), 34601

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Our Services

We Offer Creative Services

The Solutions We Provide are dynamic and wide ranged.

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Recover Lost Crypto

Recover your lost crypto wallet, forgotten password, lost funds and BTC accessed by frausters and scammers.

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Track Stolen/Lost Cars

If you have lost your car or have your vehecle missen with no means to trace it or cannot access your tracker, you are close to getting that resolved. Contact our experts now!

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Social Media Account Recovery

Recover your hacked, banned, deactivated, or disabled social media account.

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Catch Cheating Spouse

Activate Spyware and GIG tools and clone your spouse device.

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Why Choose Us

15 Years Expereince

From the corners of your street to every part of the world.

96% Success Rate

Full Refund Policy

24/7 Service

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Years Expereince


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Meet Our Experts

We are a team of professional: Lawyers, programmers, hackers, software engineers, network analysts and lots more.

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8194 Wpa Rd Brooksville, Florida(FL), 34601


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